The First Stage of Collapse is Underway…

Not to frighten you; but to encourage you to take action in some way. ~ Linne

Bealtaine Cottage, Ireland

ban frackingThere appear to be about five stages in the collapse of any society…the first one being human impacts on the environment.


This, simply put, are humans destroying the resource base upon which they depend.

Using spent mushroom compost in the garden

In the case of Ireland, this happens to be the soil.

In the case of almost every society on the Earth, it happens to be the soil.

PosterThe fertility of the soil is diminishing…so much so, that even here in Ireland, farmers rely on chemical fertilizers to grow sufficient grass to feed livestock.

Bealtaine Cottage Permaculture

The same happens to be the case worldwide.

The Nursery at Bealtaine Cottage

Our present course is a non-sustainable course, which by definition means it cannot be maintained.

Think about that…”cannot be maintained!”

potager bedHowever, we should realize that none of this is beyond our control, even though our political and economic systems seem frozen in time!

Veranda at Bealtaine Cottage

Each one of us is part of the problem, so therefore can…

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1 thought on “The First Stage of Collapse is Underway…

  1. That’s why we are building up our soil. It’s the most precious resource that we have. Now we just have to convince our world leaders of that truth…that is going to be the problem…

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading your comments. ~ Linne