Help us build The Open Food Network!

In case any of my Aussie friends haven’t heard of this, here’s a great post. Hope this takes off on the other continents, too. ~ Linne

18 thoughts on “Help us build The Open Food Network!

      • I follow the site Linnie but I took a detour today via your site 🙂 HUGS from Sidmouth and hoping that you are travelling well down lifes road. We haven’t heard from you for a while.

      • I’ve found a lot of good stuff on Milkwood, Narfie7; in fact, I just re-blogged one of their posts with you in mind . . . 😉
        The great Road of Life has been a bit up and down, not to mention bumpy and full of detours of late, but so far I’m managing. Just procrastinating with the packing (but answering comments is SO important, don’t you think? 🙂 )
        Thanks for the hugs and the same for you. I’ve missed posting, but have been doing the equivalent of hiding under the bed with a large vat of fermented something or other . . . no, not drinking, although some days I’d like to be . . . the crazy thing is, I know if I just buckle down and get it done, I’ll feel better and life will return to the current version of OK. But do I (buckle down, that is)? Nope . . . I do have plans for this afternoon, though (well, what’s left of it; already 4:30 here now). So that should get me back on track. I’ve gotten quite a lot done, actually; just not enough.
        I’ll be back to regular posting soon, I expect. I know how it is when you follow someone and then one day there is only a test pattern and a looed recording of something nameless . . . 😉 That was funny, though (and most creative). xoxoxoxo

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading your comments. ~ Linne