Silken . . . part 2 ~ the Blues

I have been trying for a long time (try over three hours ๐Ÿ˜ฆ ) to edit a post on the new blog. Alas! Something isn’t working. Hope it isn’t Mum’s computer . . . but everything else seems fine.

20140302-023416.jpg An old favourite, ‘though I first read it as an adult. Published in 1906, when my Mum’s mother was fifteen and living in North Dakota; her Dad was sixteen and still in Lillehammer; my Dad’s oldest sister a wee baby living with her parents on a communal farm in Russia.

Anyway, I will share some news here now and edit that post later. I hope ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been busy in spite of wanting to curl up in my shawls and read, with hot drinks nearby (I confess, I have done a bit of that, too . . . temps down near -39C with the wind . . . and next week apparently we get several days above freezing)

20140302-023846.jpg Second of four books in a good mystery series. His Lou Boldt series are his best, but he seems to have moved on to other characters. Ridley Pearson often refers to Seattle in winter as being in ‘the rinse cycle’. If you have ever been on the coast in winter anywhere from northern Oregon to Haida Gwai’i, you know what he means. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Mysteries are good for keeping the mind occupied and distracted from compulsively checking the temperature on the iPhone app to see if it’s T-shirt weather yet . . . who, moi?

Ok, back to sharing my busyness:



Yes, that’s a batch of scarves turning blue . . . holding their breath? No, just dyeing . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

Just before I began with the blues, I poured half of the green dyestock into an old jam jar (Mum likes strawberry jam and for some reason I like the jars and have been squirreling them away; well, now I have a reason ๐Ÿ™‚ )

20140302-025007.jpg Why e-books will never replace the real thing . . . On my way to look for more favourites to re-read, I spied this treasure! I would never have known of it if I was unable to browse, letting my eyes do the walking. Such serendipity! I may yet survive ’til spring . . . assuming such a thing exists; on days colder than -30C, my faith is flimsy . . . Non-fiction, this is the story of Ray Bradbury’s months spent near Dublin in 1953, when he was writing the screenplay adaptation of ‘Moby Dick’ for John Huston, who was a genius. After reading the first chapters, though, I could see why he was married five times . . . Written in Bradbury’s unique voice, it is a very different look at Ireland just after the War. The advice he is given on bicycling at night is startling: keep your lights off and ride on the wrong side of the road, so as to avoid accidents. He is a genius himself, Bradbury, well worth re-reading for the joy of his way with words and language, nevermind his stories that take your mind ‘where no mind has gone before’ (well, except Ray’s) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Then I added more green as well as some yellow and cooked it all again. What do you think of the new green?

20140301-234349.jpg Maybe that last picture shows the colour difference better.

Here is the Happy Hibiscus again. I think it’s feeling a bit tentative about opening those buds . . . it’s right next to the frosty glass doors and we keep the temperature down here.

Today those buds looked like this up close:

20140301-235051.jpg That’s not a sky full of clouds behind the HH, it’s the artistic work of one J Frost.

From the kitchen you can see the colour beginning to show . . .

Need a smile?

Listen to The Tortoise

Those are my other favourite singers. Well, two of them, anyway. I have a lot of favourites.

Were you wondering what happened to the silky bits?

20140302-022450.jpg Here they are, cooling off in Mum’s second bedroom and attaching to the last of the dye. As to how they have turned out . . . for now, we’re keeping a lid on it . . .

๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

This song is for . . . you know who you are ๐Ÿ˜‰

38 thoughts on “Silken . . . part 2 ~ the Blues

  1. Pingback: On the Busy-ness of April | The Contented Crafter

    • Pauline, I don’t think I thanked you for this, so Thanks very much now! I haven’t had time for much creativity of late (except one thing, which I need to share soon), but will get back to the store without too much more delay, I hope. Hugs to you. ~ Linne

  2. The color looks lovely. My opinion about ebooks is that they have a purpose , but nothing takes the place of a special book by a special author that one can keep. I LOVE Mr Bradbury. I am reading the Martian Chronicles at the moment. I have always identified with him because I had an early life of deprivation and then later on put myself through University but, like Mr Bradbury, I devoured libraries in my spare time, even as a child. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Thanks, Sharon. I was lucky to have it come out so well. One never knows with my approach (study, learn, wing it . . .) ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I love books so much, I can’t imagine a world without them . . . well, I can imagine, but I can’t imagine being happy there . . .

      Nice to meet another Bradbury fan; I recently re-read The Martian Chronicles, too and then The October Country, The Golden Apples of the Sun and Dandelion Wine.

      I love how he educated himself in libraries . . . I dropped out of uni after the first Christmas and have mixed feelings about that still. But I never stopped learning and never will. When I was younger, I read more than a book a day, unless they were especially long ones. Now I’m lucky to get through three or four a week . . . but I don’t read more than a page a minute anymore, either. I wasn’t a speedreader, either, just fast. My Mum taught me (without lessons) to read before I was four; by age six I was reading what are now called ‘chapter books’; real books with no pictures. I can’t remember not being able to read. I was so lucky. My two youngest sibs learned early, too; the six in between learned in school, as Mum had no time for teaching, but they all read widely anyway. My parents read at home and that set the example, I think.

      I used to love libraries best of all buildings, but now it’s so different; people have no respect for the books and wisdom and skill; they eat, drink, talk loudly and play music or computer games, swear, fight, bring in liquor and drugs (at one point the washrooms even had ‘sharps’ disposals in the stalls so people wouldn’t leave used needles in the wastebaskets). I’m afraid I’m becoming an old fogey; wishing for the ‘good old days’ when the library was a quiet place where one could read, study, write for hours.

  3. I love Carly Simon…and Anticipation was written in anticipation of a date with Cat Stevens, my favorite all-time singer guy. And great colors, Linne. Color is the antidote to rain. These are the good ‘ol days…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Oh, I love Cat Stevens, too! Thanks for sharing that; I never knew the story. Such good memories . . . Moonshadow . . . a lovely voice, too. I can hear him in my head even now.

      Glad you like those colours, too. They are an antidote to months and months of monochrone here, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

      You are right about the ‘good ole days’. But every day can add to that store, if we so choose . . .

      I wish you (and everyone, really) a host of ‘good ole days’ . . .

  4. Love the colours – Narfie7 is right the turquoise is to die for! I’m just adoring whatever it is you are making with it and just wish you would hurry up and finish it. I have no idea who you popped that Carly Simon song in for, but I quite enjoy her still ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks, Pauline. I’m pleased the photo is so close to the reality and the colour so close to the dyebath. The plum was quite a bit redder and softer, remember?

      More is afoot, so to speak, but you wouldn’t want me to ve premature . . . or would you? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      I have to say I think you are fibbing that you don’t know who all the song is for . . . rack them brains, lady! ;-P

      Glad you enjoyed it, though. I’d forgotten how lovely her voice is; I’ll be listening to more of her work soon.

  5. Love those colours you are dying Linne ๐Ÿ™‚ Never heard of the Corry’s before so enjoyed that. I listen to lots of older music on YouTube but had never thought to ply Carly Simon who was one of my old favourites so thanks for having a link I was nosy enough to check out ๐Ÿ™‚ We went to see The Hollies in concert last weekend, just loved it.

    • Thanks, Wendy. The Corries did so much to save Scottish folk songs and make them popular again. Roy Williamson’s early death was a real loss to Scottish music and to the world in general. One of my brothers in law was a radio DJ, back when they existed, and he introduced me to The Corries with The Bricklayer’s Song. It’s on YouTube. I can send you a link of them doing it live. I have loved their work since the 70s; I only discovered Runrig just over ten years ago. I was so shocked that they had been around for thirty years at that time and I hadn’t heard of them . . . I’ve been making up for that ever since, as you may have noticed. ๐Ÿ™‚ I never listened to Carly much back in the day. Living without power for much of the time. And I was still into home-made music more than anything. I did love this piece and it fits with recent ‘events’ or ‘non-events’, I should say. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Lucky you, seeing The Hollies!

      • Wendy, I just added a bunch of links to The Corries’ songs at the top of the ‘Music!’ page on the blog. Then I realized I’d posted some before, way down near the bottom. Oh, well; I wasn’t going to spend time editing. You will find ‘The Bricklayer’ there. hugs ~ Linne

        Note: I just checked out that link and it’s to a collection of songs. You have to scroll down the list on the right until you find the song you want. I didn’t realize that when I made the page. Sorry. ~ Linne

      • Yes, and if you start following linkies . . . well, just hope someone brings food and drink from time to time . . . ๐Ÿ™‚

        No worries, Wendy. Soon you will have what passes for winter down there; with any luck, you will have a few rainy days and get to peruse blogs and linkies to your heart’s content . . .

      • Hope you find some in there to like. I have rather odd taste in most things . . . I expect there will be some overlap, though. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a Village potluck and everyone bring some favourite books and music? And wear their long gypsy skirts and dangly earrings . . . We’d need a couple of weeks or a month, there are so many introverts here ๐Ÿ™‚ I can see great meals, intense, wide-ranging conversations, then suddenly everyone would grab a book, drink and snack and find a quiet corner . . . Rest and Repeat . . . ๐Ÿ™‚

      • That’s one thing about the ‘net, eh? It allows all us introverts to make friends while still being able to manage our need for downtime or at least for times of lower intensity. I’ve always found it hard to find friends, but now not so much ๐Ÿ™‚

        Wouldn’t that be fun? Nice to dream . . .

      • BTW, you can say if you hate stuff, too, you know (I hope you do). I have strong feelings about all sorts of things, so I can take it if others do, too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Ah no, I would never say that about someone else’s taste in music. I will listen to some no doubt, not listen to some no doubt ๐Ÿ™‚ Other’s don’t have to like our tastes, that’s what makes us different ๐Ÿ™‚

      • I haven’t had time to fix the linkies yet, so you will have to try either copy and pasting the link or just google the title and singer. Sorry about that. I love at least trying other people’s music; keeps me out of the dreaded rut . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰ And if we were too similar, where would lie the fun of discovery and of stretching ourselves a bit? I’m so grateful to have discovered the blogging world . . .

      • I always say that I ‘skipped’ the 80s ๐Ÿ˜‰ It was such a change from a world I loved and felt nurtured by. all that showiness with what seemed like little substance. Of course, it wasn’t really like that; I just felt strongly about what I was losing.

      • I expect. I didn’t think the 80’s had much going for it at all, pure bad taste in many areas but I don’t expect teenagers of the 80’s would think that ๐Ÿ™‚

      • ๐Ÿ™‚ what, after the flowy gypsy skirts and earth mama lifestyle, you didn’t immediately run out to buy white go-go boots, makeup and ‘big hair’?

        ๐Ÿ™‚ I felt like there was no point going on, myself. The 70s weren’t perfect, by any means, but there was a spirit I haven’t felt since. I find a touch of it when I watch Runrig concerts, but still . . .

        And then there was ‘punk’ . . . a word I only knew as descriptive of dry, rotted wood, not good for anything (and for the ‘bad boys’ who were deemed ditto, but whom were eyed discretely from a distance) ๐Ÿ˜‰ If anyone had told me then that one day I would love The Pogues, I would have died laughing . . . I guess when it comes down to it, I love good musicianship paired with meaningful lyrics and complex melodies that haunt even my dreams. Crazy, I know . . .

        You are right, too, in saying that teens of the 80s (or any other time) wouldn’t see their culture as bad taste. My parents’ generation didn’t have much time for mine, that’s for sure. And my kids listen to some of my mainstream music, likevthe Beatles, but more their own. The FYS (favourite younger son) like ckassical, hip hop and rap . . . no interest in fiddle music of any sort, but is passionate about classical violin. Not sure what the FES is into these days; he’s also eclectic, but not into my favourite stuff. Life, I guess. I would have liked it if we had more similar tastes, my boys and I.

      • I would agree there Linne, “a spirit I haven’t felt since”. The 80’s everything just became fake. But Roger wouldn’t agree there, 8 years younger than me and the 80’s his time.

        My oldest son is a musician, he plays electric guitar in a band. He loves all sorts but as a teenager he played heavy metal, still does like it. The youngest loved Michael Jackson, a huge fan. The middle son (my stepson) loved punk. 2 1/2 years between the 3 of them, you can imagine the noise that came out of those three rooms all the time! My stepdaughter loved Bay City Rollers and Cindy Lauper. I am pleased my son plays beautiful guitar and alot of 70’s soft rock, love it, but he lives 11 hours away so I rarely hear it.

        My first husband loved the Pogues ๐Ÿ™‚

      • I blame tv for much of it. Before that we had more advertising and less marketing. Now, it’s nearly all marketing. Telling people why they should buy your product by sharing its benefits is a world away from suggesting that the product will make them popular or magically happy.

        Coke doesn’t add life; living adds life!

        Ok, I’ll climb down off the soapbox now . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

        I’m glad my boys grew up mostly in the country without power; we didn’t have tv and there were no computers or cell phones (imagine, eh?) ๐Ÿ™‚

        No record player, either, but we did have a battery powered radio that also played and recorded tapes. I still have the tapes, too. Big surprise . . .

        I’m not sure I would have survived hours of noise on a regular basis, especially the heavy metal my FES was into. But I occasionally crank the music, so maybe it’s more that I want to control (I know, bad word; I’ll go wash out my mouth in a minute) the amount and type of sound / music in my space. Luckily, my sons’ dad and stepdad liked the same music I did and their stepdad is a very good guitarist, so we had music at home like we both grew up with. Otherwise, I might have resorted to earplugs (me) or headphones (them). ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • WE talk sometimes about getting rid of all these things, TV, phones etc (would love to get rid power given what it costs!) Stuff others generations had but is not needed.

        Yes, I think you are right re advertising, it became more directed and manipulative rather than just entertaining little snippets with a brand name thrown in.

        I have a couple of tapes around somewhere but you can’t even find them secondhand now, if you could find something to play them on, they are almost extinct!

      • I know; I think of that, too. But without the ‘net, I’d lose access to a lot of information and, even more, to friends who share my interests. If not for needing to be available in case of emergency, I wouldn’t care much if I didn’t have a phone. TV I can do without; I mostly used my small one to play tapes and DVDs anyway. And now that broadcasting is all digital, I’d have to buy a ‘box’ to make it work as a tv. There are shows I like, but more and more of them are being broadcast on the ‘net. Still, I lived without tv most of my life and could do so again. So long as there are books . . . ๐Ÿ™‚

        I wasn’t aware you couldn’t buy tapes anymore; I still have a radio with a tape to tape recording capability and of course it plays, too.

        I have LPs, too, that my Aunty gave me, but no record player yet. Not sure if they can be easily found anymore, either.

      • Don’t think I’ve heard the Bay City Rollers and Lauper is not for me ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m too old for some things lol. Not for the Pogues, though. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s going to be interesting in 20 or 30 years, as the kids see all us old folks rockin’ away and not in the rocking chairs! Fun times ahead!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • Had a look on YouTube and I do remember the BCRs; I was definitely too old for them ๐Ÿ™‚ But even if they’d been around in my time, I like lyrics with meaning; I’m not much for most of the pop scene. Even the early Beatles didn’t really grab me. Later, as they developed musically, I liked them a lot. It’s odd how taste develops, or reveals itself, anyway . . .

  6. Ha!!!! You have tempered both Pauline’s and my obvious indignation about being foiled yet AGAIN with that gorgeous rendition of “turquoise” that we both adore…won’t work forever ma’am…”BRING ON THE PROJECT DETAILS!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

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