Catching up a bit . . .

Well, after more than a year, I’m back! Much has happened during that time. I stayed with my cousins until early January 2020, then returned to Edmonton, AB, to stay with my youngest sister. The original plan was to get my last things from the container on my friends’ property and bring it all back to BC to live with the rest of my things (still in storage).

But then came the COVID-19 . . . unlike for many of you, life didn’t change much for me. I began going out only once a month, to shop for basic supplies, wearing a mask, of course. I was lucky that one of the ladies in my crochet group began making them, so I obtained some for me and some for my cousins and a friend of theirs. I never thought I’d see the day, but to me it’s worth it, just a small thing I can do to help others stay safe.

I began a blanket while at my sister’s; unusually for me, it’s black, grey and white. You may remember how much I love colour, but that’s what was available when I was shopping. I only went to the one store, so there weren’t many options. I completed the main body of the blanket, then bought more yarn so I would be sure to have enough to make a wide border. This time, there was a lovely red on offer, so it went home with me! I added a narrow stripe of red on both ends and then began on the border. I’ve not finished that yet, but soon . . . it’s just been too hot here (I returned to BC to my cousins’ in early July) – up to 98.6 F / 37 C on a couple of occasions.

More on the blanket in a bit . . .

When I returned to BC, I drove back with a friend from the crochet group and so was able to bring a few things with me. The rest went into a storage box at the U-Haul in Edmonton for now. And my friends who have been storing my things all this time have offered to store them for a while longer.

I stayed with my friend who brought me back for almost three weeks, just to be on the safe side, and continued wearing a mask when shopping and not doing much of that, either. When living in a ‘tinny home’ as it’s been called, one doesn’t need much; mainly food . . .

I’m living in the motorhome now, since 30 July (MH for now; still haven’t decided on a name for her), which is basically a tin can on wheels, so quite warm, let’s say, at present. And soon to be quite cold, too. The electrical system here won’t support heating on the scale I would need (the breakers blow), so I will be making other plans for the winter. There’s a good chance I’ll be house and pet sitting for at least a couple of months then, possibly more. The same place where I was self-isolating, so the animals know me and it’s truly a lovely home, with a fantastic view of the Enderby Cliffs.

Back to yarny things . . .

I ended up having enough yarn to make a second blanket, which I ought to be working on today. Well, actually, I should be finishing up that border on blanket number one, right?

The blanket uses three of the stitches I love from “Attic24”; Dahlia, Hydrangea and Sweet Pea. The arrangement is all mine.

I began this a couple of weeks ago, then the laptop began acting up after another ‘update’ . . . So, back again, this time typing one-fingered on a tablet. <sigh>

Tomorrow I’ll see if I can add some photos; then I can post this.

Hope you are all doing ok out there and maybe getting stuck into some hobby or other.

Since writing the above, I have almost finished a scarf for the coming winter. I used one skein for each half; last step is to join them with Kitchener Stitch. Once I find my yarn needles . . .

Here’s a photo of the halves:

I’m not fond of artificial fibres, due to their impact on our waterways and the oceans. I really have to get myself a Guppy Friend laundry bag.

The scarf is a simple design (my own) and is over 15″ wide. It will look nice with the new winter jacket and snowpants, both black. The yarn is Lion Brand ‘Scarfie’ and super-soft and snuggly. It’s 20% wool, which I love. I have a third skein and will make a matching touque and possibly a pair of mitts, too.

You know, I like the yarn so much, I’m thinking of making myself a cardi. That would be in the dark green / black mix, though.

9 thoughts on “Catching up a bit . . .

  1. Just googled Kitchener stitch because I hadn’t heard of it before, what a very useful technique. Your scarf is going to be great 🙂
    I’m glad you are finding the time to knit and crochet – it’s so therapeutic, and wonderful to be able to create functional items that are also unique. Honestly, knitting keeps me sane!

    • Hi, Jill! So good to hear from you. Sorry I’ve been so delinquent of late.

      Done with plain knitting, Kitchener stitch provides a join that looks as though the knitting is continual. It takes a wee bit of concentration, but there are some good videos on youtube that I find helpful.

      The scarf turned out great. Of course, being me, I complicated things by knitting some moss stitch at the end of each section, then joining with KS. But it looks ok. Now I have to decide what I want to do (if anything) with the pointy ends . . .

      I’m one of those people who hates just sitting with idle hands, even when watching a film or listening to favourite music videos. Or chatting . . .

      I remember in the winter of 2016-17 when I was in the wee caravan in Tacoma, I didn’t do much for the first three months or so. I realized later that I must have been somewhat depressed after the loss of my Mum and, before her, my Auntie. It was when I began teaching my friend th knit and crochet again and feeling joy in doing some myself, that I realized I’d been depressed and also that I really NEED to create. It keeps me sane, too!!

      Warm hugs to you, since they are virtual!

    • Hi, Sue! Good to hear from you! I have no immediate plans to travel in the MH; for one thing, my license lapsed while Mum was ill in hospital and it took me some time to realize it. But I’ll get one again.

      Also, the MH has needed some work and now it needs a new transmission, so hopefully next spring.

      My initial plan was to at least live in it in an RV park, but they are out of my budget range (close to twice what I would have paid for pad rent on the mobile home I didn’t manage to buy). I did live in it from late June to mid-October, but now it’s too cold, of course. So I’m back in the house for the winter and hoping to figure out a solution before next winter.

      I like living with my cousins, but I don’t want to become a burden. They had turned the spare room into a sewing/computer room for S and she most kindly turned it back into a spare room for me (without asking me; I would have said no, of course). So I am warm, dry and well fed, all for less than I’d pay at an RV park.

      Still, I’d like to be more independent and I’d still like a cottage sort of arrangement, with at least one shed, so I could get my things out of storage and deal with them. So that’s on the table for 2021.

      Thanks for the compliments, too. I agree re: hobbies. I definitely need to create! I can feel the difference when I don’t. I’ve some new projects underway, just need to upload the photos so I can post about them.

      Much love back to you, too, Sue. Hope you are doing alright as well. I do get a bit lonely, as I’m not going to the handcraft groups for the time being. But that’s what internet is so good for, right?

      Take care and stay well, won’t you? I’ll be over for a visit soon.

      • Just pleased to know all is well with you Lynne….And happy to know you have family to fall back upon…. I am sure things will work out as planned… You have a habit of Manifesting them LOL..
        Much love your way ❤

      • Thanks for dropping in, Sue. Yes, I’ve been lucky to have family here the past four years, on and off. It’s been interesting to examine how much I’ve manifested during my life. Next up is a place of my own . . .

        Sending love and virtual hugs back to you. ❤

  2. I love your blanket, lovely stitches and the little addition of red is perfect. I love red and have little touches of it in my life. In Australia we are quite fond of diesel heaters in our mobile homes and caravans. Apparently they are cheap to run. Covid has certainly turned our lives upside down. We are in the teaching system so we have been working the whole time. It was unnerving but we have made it to the other side. We live in Western Australia so are enjoying a covid free status, at the moment. I have been making baby quilts, as quite a few of my girlfriends have been blessed with them. Ialso started growing more veges as the prices in our little town sky rocketed. We don’t have a large are but have enjoyed our little crop. Good to hear from you, time sure flies!

    • Kym, how lovely to hear from you, too! Thanks for the compliments, too. I was always into blues, greens and purples, but over the past few years, reds have made their presence known in my life. I esp like that hot pink that I’m using for the ‘barn cardi’ (which I plan to take up again really soon!).

      Thanks for the tip about the diesel heaters; I’ll look into them. Diesel is cheaper here than petrol, too.

      Covid has certainly affected everyone, hasn’t it? But it’s given us opportunities, too. I’m just sorry for those who have lost someone to it. That’s so hard. It’s the first time I’ve been glad my parents and all their generation are already gone. And that thought makes me sad, too.

      Glad you are doing ok, in spite of teaching, and glad, too, that where you are you are covid-free. The last post you shared was a baby quilt, so I’m not surprised.

      I’d love to be able to grow my own veg (and have a few fruit trees, too). I like a big garden and it would be easy to share surplus with other and with a food bank and/or soup kitchen. I know from experience that you can get an awful lot of produce from a small area, esp if you are creative and do things like growing ‘up’. You must be getting ready to plant now, are you? Or have you already done that?

      Time does fly, doesn’t it? I have some photos to share with you in the next post, so keep your eyes peeled!

      Love and hugs to you; continue staying well and safe, will you?

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading your comments. ~ Linne