She’s back for Christmas again!

Hi, friends; I have a long post that’s been ready for a bit now, but still doesn’t have any photos added to it. Soon, I hope. In the meantime, those of you who’ve followed Eclectic Home and Life in the past will be excited to learn that Selma is once again posting in December! So here you go . . . I expect the first post will be on Tuesday, but this is her lead-up to that:

Enjoy! I’ll see you over there . . .

2 thoughts on “She’s back for Christmas again!

    • Glad to see you here again, Jill. Still working on the photo thing. Or, I should say, still sort of avoiding it. lol It used to be easy with my desktop computers. With a laptop, it’s not so simple, due to only one USB port, which I use to plug in a hub. The phone doesn’t really like uploading through the hub, though . . . fussy thing! I’m thinking I may just have to buckle down and upload a few at a time until I have enough to use for here, at least.
      Stay well. I think all creative people are probably doing better than average in these times, as we always have something on hand to keep us occupied. I was making a list earlier and it’s amazing how quickly it grows . . .
      Sending love and virtual hugs to you. And yes, I’m staying well myself, thank you.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading your comments. ~ Linne