Fair Isle

This is the Fair Isle book I discovered at the library a few days ago . . .

. . . and this is what I’m working on now: it will be a cute (I hope!) little shoulder bag when it’s finished.


You can see how it’s growing . . .
The two-colour ribbing will form the bottom and I plan to either knit or crochet a round base to attach, then make a fabric lining to protect the knitwork from stretching.

Each motif is from the book, but the selection and arrangement, as well as the overall project design, is all mine. It’s good to be creative again.

It’s going fairly (ha!) quickly so far. More to come later . . .

10 thoughts on “Fair Isle

  1. always in the fall is my time to think about being creative since there is less to do in the garden……pretty design:-) We all need to be creative—just finding the time and making the time:-)

    • Thanks, Robbie. I agree that we need to be creative. I’m lucky to have time now, as I sit with my Aunty so much. I’m like my grandmothers (whom I never met) in keeping some handwork nearby most of the time. I want to knit myself some socks, so this bag will be perfect for holding the materials.

      I miss having a fireplace to sit near; a rocking chair, too. Both are just right for doing handwork.

    • Thanks! It helps that I was 9 when I learned. Made myself a pair of mitts wuth Mum’s help on the thumb and casting off. Then I made my baby sister a pair of ‘soakers’; wool pants for over the diaper; much better than the plastic pants that followed. But mire laundry, of course. Didn’t do much after that ’til I was expecting my first son. Since then I’ve rarely been without a project or ten on the go.

  2. Yeah that looks like quantum physics to me! How many needles do I see? TOO MANY that’s how many…more than 1 is difficult and more than 2 is just about impossible to fathom in narf7’s tiny crafting portion in her brain ;). Kudos to you girl for taking on a project like that and obviously nailing it. I will stand back and let you take a bow. Fairisle is a step too far for this path lovin girl πŸ˜‰

    • Knitting is easy. Lots of books in most libraries or find an elder to show you (if you want to learn, that is) πŸ˜‰

      I recommend dishcloth cotton yarn to begin with. Fair Isle is easier than it looks, too.

      I’m nearly done the straps of the bag, then I need to make a lining . . .

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