Everyone Deserves a Roof and Utah’s Approach that seems humane

A solution that could be implemented anywhere. I admire this so much! ~ Linne

Eslkevin's Blog

from: http://other98.com/everyone-deserves-roof-head/

In 2005, Utah set out to fix a problem that’s often thought of as unfixable: chronic homelessness. The state had almost two thousand chronically homeless people. Most of them had mental-health or substance-abuse issues, or both. At the time, the standard approach was to try to make homeless people “housing ready”: first, you got people into shelters or halfway houses and put them into treatment; only when they made progress could they get a chance at permanent housing. Utah, though, embraced a different strategy, called Housing First: it started by just giving the homeless homes.

Over time, Housing First has saved the government money. Homeless people are not cheap to take care of. The cost of shelters, emergency-room visits, ambulances, police, and so on quickly piles up. The average chronically homeless person used to cost Salt Lake City more than twenty thousand dollars a year. Putting someone into…

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3 thoughts on “Everyone Deserves a Roof and Utah’s Approach that seems humane

  1. If bureaucracy stop and consider the people at the heart of “problems” then they can come up with some fantastic solutions. This is a win-win situation for tax payers and the homeless and can only end up with better results in Utah. Kudos on the government of the state for coming up with a considerate and caring result for everyone whilst still saving money.

  2. Linne, I just posted my latest blog post then stopped to see what you were up to. Seems we have the same subject on our minds as I included this story in my post. 🙂 Isn’t this a fantastic story? I’ve been reading about tiny homes being built for the homeless and other initiatives to help the chronic homeless but this is the best example of helping the homeless and it proves it’s not too expensive to put a roof over every person’s head.

    • Synchronicity; isn’t it great, Lois? We share a fair range of thinking, I find.

      I’m seeing more and more people thinking like this and have re-posted similar articles on FB, hoping to spread the influence.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I look forward to reading your comments. ~ Linne