The Saga continues . . .

. . . but the full story will have to wait. For now, I just want to let you know that my adventures with U-Haul (rental moving truck company here and in the States) has continued to make me stronger (since it hasn’t killed me yet) ๐Ÿ˜‰

But it’s all too complicated to explain in a post. It’s been suggested to me that I write it up as a short story and I’m seriously contemplating doing just that.


My Aunty’s salt and pepper set; I just love these. Years ago, she had a very impressive collection of unusual salt and peppers. She had a wooden quarter-round stand with several shelves built especially to hold them all. When I was 16, my Mum and Dad took me and my two oldest brothers to Saskatchewan to visit Mum’s Dad and his second wife. We stopped off in Calgary to visit my Aunty and I have never forgotten her lovely collection. I wish she had it now and could tell me the stories behind each set . . .

No photos from my main moving day . . we were just too busy. The Crafties, their son (with a still-unhealed three year old collarbone shattered in a quad accident and requiring yet another surgery), plus one of the first friends I made here in Alberta, all came and made the move easier. So the original storage locker is now emptied and my things from there are in the new storage locker. Mum’s things are in the condo, but some may have to go to the storage for a while so she can sort through with more ease. That was Friday. This incarnation of the Saga began on Saturday the 17th and has continued since. I’m so lucky to have friends with a sense of humour who help me stay grounded and sane, even laughing . . .


Can’t remember if I shared this already or not; if so, I hope you enjoy seeing it again. I bought this lovely basket of artificial sunflowers when I worked at the little antique store; they are not antiques, of course; we also sold interesting home dรฉcor items and this was put together by one of the staff, a young artist whose creations I often fell in love with. I bought this and another arrangement when the store closed.

Not sure now of dates, but on the 18th I found the new locker and put the first carload into it, thanks to my Family Support friend (I really have to find a better name for her, don’t I?). On the following Friday (the U-Haul day), we not only emptied the original locker, we took stuff to the storage from the current condo, then a load to the new condo, including Mum’s antique furniture. She plans to sell some of it, so I plan to take some photos before the pieces are gone . . . didn’t have time that day . . .

We took the truck back and then remembered that the Crafties’ car was filled with my clay pots that I’m giving to another friend, who now lives in the country . . . A couple of those pots went to Mrs. Crafty first, though. The rest are now in the storage unit.


One of the Crafties’ Teacup Pomeranians, snuggled up with Mr. Crafty. The other one, April, is much smaller. This one is Kiera, whom I named when she was born. If I didn’t have to bend down to pet her, I’d be tempted to take her home with me . . . but then, I love the big collies and the Border collies so much, I don’t think I’d have space for even such a cute wee thing.

Yesterday I had ambitious plans, but a bad tummy upset (not illness, just a combination of not enough sleep and too much stress for too long) kept me flat on my back. I was beginning to worry a bit . . . but today felt fine.


The snowy back path to the Crafties’ home, taken nearly three weeks ago when I went over for that lovely half-Ukrainian Christmas dinner . . . It doesn’t look like that now . . .

One of my sister’s friends came today and packed up a huge amount of Mum’s stuff; I can’t tell you what a relief that was! But maybe you can imagine . . .

While she did that, my FS friend taped up lots of boxes, helped me pack some of them, then we took a carload of fragile items to the new condo and another to the storage unit. Then she took me to get a few groceries to tide me over until I’m at my Aunty’s again (Wednesday) and milk for Mum. I offered to buy her supper, but she had plans and supper waiting at home, so I treated myself to a tray of sushi, such as it is in a grocery store. Not bad, but not like the real thing, either , , , the tuna is cooked, for one thing . . . I’ll be enjoying it and some tv as soon as I’m done here . . .


This is one of a pair of pot holders my Mum bought in a hospital gift shop. They were said to be a German stitch, but I haven’t been able to find a pattern anywhere yet. I think when I have time, I will try and figure it out for myself. They are prettier than the picture shows . . .

Tomorrow I’m packing up what’s left because early on Tuesday the movers come to take the rest to the new place. If I have enough to make up a carload or two for storage tomorrow, the Crafties and my FS friend will come and help again. Tuesday afternoon my sister’s friend is coming again, along with my long time masseuse friend to help with the cleaning. I have a borrowed steam cleaner that’s a real marvel, so the walls and glass doors (and those horrid channels full of gunge) will be done quickly and easily. In a few days, my sister is having a professional company do the ancient carpets, so that’s one thing we don’t have to think about . . . and the lino floors in the bathrooms, hall and kitchen, too.


During my last stay with my Aunty, she noticed some of my yarn was lying there in a heap. She took the time to help me by winding it into a couple of cute balls.

Tuesday after the cleaning, I’ll do my usual shop for food for me and my Aunty, sleep at Mum’s, then will stay with my Aunty for the following eight days as usual. I’ll have six days (maybe five) over at the new place, then be back with my Aunty for our last eight days in her place. The week after that, she is moving into a lodge and I will stay with her there until she is settled in and can find her way around (have to take the elevator to a different floor for meals and another for social activities, I hear). Slowly, we will find ourselves in a new routine.

It’s sad for me; I’ve liked the routine we created here, but life just keeps morphing along, doesn’t it?

On a brighter note, the three blankets I’ve been working on with Selma from Eclectic Home & Life are coming right along:


Here are my three as they look tonight. The one at the bottom has three strips of granny stripes already; there will be twelve strips by next week! Until now, the colours changed every two rows; with the granny stripes, they change every row . . .

If you are on Facebook you can see Selma’s posts here:

If you want to follow her on the blog, go here:


A close-up of two of the blankets.


. . . and a close-up of the third, with the granny stripes along the right side.

There have been several times these last weeks when I was tempted (well, nearly) to throw in the towel and give up. I don’t do so well when I feel overwhelmed and I really don’t care for leaving everything to the last minute. But it wasn’t my choice. Luckily, I had some good advice from two of my friends here and from several of you out there in the Virtual Village, so I got over the rough patches fairly quickly and with minimal (for me LOL) whinging . . . One thing I was reminded to do was to find something to be grateful for . . . and I did. First of all, for having several good friends who have done so much to help. With my knee acting up and the path to the new place being one of uneven, packed and very icy snow, I can’t imagine getting everything into the place without a major disaster. Because I have good friends, I was able to work inside, carting things from the doorway to the final destination.

The second thing I am EXTREMELY grateful for has been the weather; spring-like, mostly above freezing and fairly windy, which is good for drying up the snow. I have been able to work with only jeans, a T-shirt and a long-sleeve T over that. How unlike the day we moved my storage items up to the container . . . with the wind that day it was close to -30C. I had been anxious that this week would be more of the same, but apparently this unusual balmy spell is set to last right through the end of the month.

I’m grateful, too, for all your comments, emails and kind thoughts. You Villagers are the best!



This folk art plaque, part of Mrs. Crafty’s Christmas collection, says it all!


Totally irrelevant to this post, but I have to share it anyway; this is off the tv; it’s the same sort of washtub my Mum did all our laundry in for my early years. It was also used as a bathtub weekly. I think when she was young, they had a clamp-on wringer like the one here, but I don’t remember us ever having one. I could have used one of these when my boys were young. With the first son, I boiled his diapers in an old cooking pot filled with melted snow water (or water from the creek before we got that four feet of snow) Our own laundry we carried to the nearby town in a backpack and it was done in the launderette. Easier than my Mum’s work, for sure. But I’d still love to have one of these. We magpies just never know when to quit, do we?

magpie 01

One of my favourite birds, next to the raven, of course . . .

26 thoughts on “The Saga continues . . .

  1. I share your pain. I just finished my 35th move and am just wrapping up moving my son into storage for a long stay with me as he readjusts his life. My house looks like it’s once again thrown up boxes and bins. We’ve made 2 trips to the thrift store to donate things we both needed to let go of. I go at least once a month to pass things on or find someone who can use what I need to let go of. This week was some of the needlework I did 25 years ago. My children won’t want it so I’m doing them the favor or clearing it out.
    That painted folk art piece from Mrs Crafty’s collection looks similar to some of the work I have done. Haven’t let that stuff go yet.
    By last Friday night, we hurt so bad from the moving that it was hard to sleep. Now it’s done and I can take the time maybe tomorrow to write about it. You are a step ahead. I never, ever want to move again! Good luck and get some rest.

  2. Cheers to all the hard work you’ve done, and to all your friends as well. Moving and transitioning is so huge. Makes me wonder what personal year you are in numerology. ๐Ÿ™‚ I admire you so much for caring for your mother and aunty through these many dislocations, hard choices, and the facing of accumulated treasures. I love how you’re distributing the clay pots, and how you continue to crochet/knit through it all. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hang in there, and take care of yourself. Have another tray of sushi! Hugs from Hawaii, Christi

  3. Wonderful colourful blankets Linne.. and I love the Sunflower arrangement,.. Glad you are feeling better, and it sounds as if removal Saga will be written.. and will look forward to reading the short story when you get the time once you are settled… It seems like that will still be in a few weeks before you can really settle.. I don’t know how you managed to keep sane, I have only moved 3 times in my lifetime and I know how very stressful it is..
    Look after You..
    Hugs Sue xxx

    • Thanks, Sue! The Bavarians were a lit of fun and I’m enjoying the crochet-a-long, too, although the past couple of weeks have thrown ‘a spaniard in the works’ as John Lennon said.

      I loved those Sunflowers, too, especially as the arrangement was created by a young artist who worked at the little antique store with me.

      There has been more than one Spaniard, although I won’t post about all of them, so we are into mid-February and still not sure of when we can finish moving.

      I’ve moved all my life, sometimes more than once in a year, so I’m fairly patient about the process, but also fairly weary. But, as they say, “this, too, shall pass”. Some days I wish I could choose what stays and what passes, but don’t we all?

  4. Take a deep breath my friend. I love the idea of photographing the precious pieces before they sell and as sad as it is that they will go, it does make sense. You can’t keep everything and someone else will take the piece and give it the next chapter in its story. They will live on with new tales to add to the old ones.

    Your blankets look fabulous. I’m working on mine, making up my own pattern – a row of triple, a row of double, a row of triple, a row of double, a row of triple but in fan shapes (I can’t tell you what it’s called but I call it triple fans ๐Ÿ˜‰ ), then double, triple, double, triple, double, triple fans and so on. It’s in a 4 ply variegated yarn and is very soft., It’s for a friends baby, due in about 18 weeks. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Take care and do yourself a little kindness every day during these challenging times. ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. My K key is on the way out. Translation may be required. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Thanks, Jessie. At least photos are easy to care for ๐Ÿ™‚

      In the end, it’s all left behind anyway; this way, I can at least try to find good homes for the things I love as well as making sure that very little ends up in the dump. That’s very important to me.

    • Blankets: thank you. Am eager to see yours, too. A few close-up photos and I’ll likely be able to figure out the fans. They sound interesting!

      Variegated yarns: I love them, but one warning: if you are doing a complex pattern, it gets lost in the colour changes. I have a gorgeous scarf/wrap made for me by a customer when Lewiscraft closed; a lovely leaf pattern, but hard to make out. Also srill have a sweet wee jumper in pink, blue and white. The raised stitches form a fross-hatched effect in the yoke. Again, the colous distract from the pattern.

      • I ended up nearly finishing that blanket and having to frog it as it had decreased every row to form a very non-blanket shape. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I’m working now on a waffle style blanked and the variegated yarn isn’t detracting too much from the pattern which is more a texture anyway. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I know what you mean about self-kindnesses, and I had good intentions, honestly. But we got back from the hospital last Wednesday and I was immediately sick myself; bronchitis and very sore throat, so I’m ‘croaking’ LOL

      My usual response to extended stress and not getting a full night’s sleep for some time was the tipping point, I think. But I’m recovering. Managed a couple of rows of crochet yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • No worries about the K key; Mum’s keyboard is touchy, so many of my posts have odd typos; and now I’m only using my phone, I find the key squares a bit small so sometimes hit the wrong one . . .

    • I do, too, Lois, but it doesn’t seem likely yet.

      I’d love a washer and wringer like that, too! Laundry isn’t too difficult when it’s only for one person who’s careful with her clothes. Bur I well remember my Mum doing sheets, Dad’s work clothes, diapers, etc. in a washrub when there were four of us kids and one on the way. She didn’t have a wringer, either, at least I don’t recall one. Good thing she was young and strong! Later we had a wringer washer until after I left home at nineteen. A couple of years after that she got her first washer/dryer set. After decades of cracked and bleeding knuckles every winter, it must have been an unimaginable luxury.

      I have an electric wringer/washer; it will go to the Crafties for their new home in a few years. It’s modern and works perfectly.

  5. You gotta let go of the STUFF Linne, if it is living in boxes and containers it isn’t living! Have fun moving into your new abode, wherever it is and for however long. Be happy now don’t wait til next week or next month or next year. NOW! It’s all we have. Enjoy each day and the people it brings to you and the things you get to do and make and be. This is living. xoxo

    • More words of wisdom! You are right, Pauline, and I do know it. So I have done what I could for now and will continue once we are in the condo. All the plants are gone and the furniture given away (a couple of pieces are in the storage til spring, but will go to the container then and to the Crafties once they have some of their house built.)
      The clay pots are waiting to be picked up and a large bag of yarn is gone. More will go soon.

    • You are also right, Pauline, about being happy now. In spite of everything, there is always something to be grateful for; just that exercise is very helpful. I’ll get there . . . and thanks for the reminders. I’m sometimes slow at putting things into practise, but progress is progress.

  6. Once you finally get settled in you can start to make your new routines Linne and life will start to feel like it has a solid base/core again. I, too, hate change and tend to buck it at every turn. I think that change is often good for us whether we know it or not. You just never know what is around the corner if you let yourself flow with it but letting go of what you love and are used to is very hard. I completely commiserate with you as I would be half insane by now with what you have had to put up with and do BUT on the bright side, soon your life will have new colour, flavour, texture and routine and no more hassles with that sodding housing board! :). Here’s to balmy frigid weather and mild summers which we both seem to be having at the same time ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Wise words and thanks for the reminder. Sometimes I seem to see no further than the end of my nose and that doesn’t help much.

      I think we all do best with change when it’s our own idea; I think you are right that sometimes it brings just what we need.

      I shall resume looking for the silver lining . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • and, yes, our weather did seem oddly symmetrical in January, didn’t it?

      Hope that doesn’t mean you are now baking/broiling . . . actually, this week seems fairly mild (for here lol), so maybe you are only basking . . .

      Eastern Canada, though . . . -40C in Toronto and a series of snowstorms in the Atlantic Provinces. Nice if you stay indoors by the fire, but . . .

  7. Goodness, quite a lot of change going on in your neck of the woods! I hope the balmy (we aussies would call it bloody freezing lol) weather keeps helping you with your various moves. Gosh you must be sick of boxes… It’s always good to count your blessings ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you have many more to count soon x

    • Yes, Kymmie, (and I think I’d call your weather ‘bloody baking’ LOL). On the west coast, my homeland, this would be normal (minus the piles of melting snow and plus a lot more rain – we had rain Friday evening, can you believe?) and we would be seeing daffies poking up everywhere. We’d be getting ready for Victoria’s annual February flower count, too, where everyone counts the blooms in their gardens, estimates the blossoms on the trees, then phones the total to a local radio station so we can brag to the whole world, especially those in more frigid bits of Canada, like here in Edmonton. Guess I’ve been getting my comeuppance these past few years, eh? If I could hear and smell the sea just now, I’d be heartily homesick . . . we’ve had dense fog from the melting snow a couple of times and I nearly fancied I could hear tbe foghorns lowing mournfully in the djstance . . .

    • and thanks, Kym; I hope there are still blessings to come, too. Yep, tired of boxes. Have given away a bit more, but no dent is yet visible . . . except the ant table looks pretty bare . . .

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